Livingston County Cancer Assistance

The purpose of Livingston County Cancer Assistance is to provide assistance to those who need it most, the group's letter seeking support states. "Those who are in the midst of a trying time in their lives. A check in the mail to help with the fuel bill for getting back and forth to treatment, or to pay a utility bill when incomes are reduced."

Board members include Paul Howard, Patricia Howard, Debby Peery, Sherry Jones, Lynn Jackson, Sandy Wolf, Sherry Weldon, Lori Lyon and Larissa Regan.

Those eligible for the program must be a Livingston County resident, have a cancer diagnosis confirmed by an oncology healthcare provider, and be in active treatment. Contact the Livingston County Health Center for an application. Board members can also be reached through email.

Future fundraisers are planned; but until then, the group is seeking donations to start helping those in need as soon as possible. Anyone wishing to donate should contact Sherry Weldon at the Livingston County Health Center at 660-646-5506 or Lori Lyon at the United Methodist Church of Chillicothe at 660-646-2580. Checks can be made out to UMC-LCCA and mailed to The United Methodist Church, 1414 Walnut Street, Chillicothe, MO 64601.