CMU Surplus Items for Sale

CMU Surplus Items




Chillicothe Municipal Utilities (CMU) is accepting sealed bids on the sale of the items listed below.  Items are sold "AS IS" - NO WARRANTY.  The bid opening is scheduled for Monday May 1, 2023, at 1:00 PM at the CMU office located at 920 Washington Street, Chillicothe, Missouri.  For additional information, please contact Chris Bonderer at 660-646-0562.  Bids should be sealed in an envelope with the outside marked with a description of the equipment.  ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION OF BIDS:  Chillicothe Municipal Utilities has the right to accept the bid which is in its judgement, the highest and best bid, to reject any or all bids, and to waive any information, omissions, oversights, irregularities in any bid.

  1. 2009 Chevrolet 1/2 ton 2-WD Pickup Truck 81,080 miles (new transmission at 70,857 on 3/18/2021 at Peery's).
  2. 1989 Better-Built 2300-gallon Vacuum Spreader (Honey Wagon)
  3. 1988 GMC Dump Truck 245,565 Miles (Has hole in the bed, newer motor, and cracked windshield)
  4. 1989 Hyster Forklift
  5. 2003 Caterpillar MT 225 Tractor 23.3hp, 4x4
  6. King Cutter XB 4 ft Brush Cutter - 3 pt PTO shaft attachment at the WTP

For more information please contact Chris Bonderer at 660-646-0562 with CMU.  

(These are not items belonging to the City of Chillicothe so please contact CMU for additional information).